Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Art of Conversation (Being Garrulous)

I may have a habit of speaking bordering on the excessive side but I always hope that it will make others smile. Through my journey of life till now , I have come across some points that I have been able to collect and applied many of them in different situations. Sometimes, people feel confused when I use them to convey wit or sarcasm but at times, they have helped me to convey deeper things in fewer words.
  • While conversing one should keep in mind two things : one , respect for the other and two, dignity for oneself.
  • When you encounter seemingly good advice that contradicts other seemingly good advice, ignore them both.
  • Cursing is invoking the assistance of a spirit to help you inflict suffering.Swearing on the other hand,is invoking,only the witness of a spirit to a statement you wish to make.
  • An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.
  • The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.
  • A sense of humor is critical for a happy life.It can ease pain,accelerate healing.reduce tension,win friends,enhance learning and make life a fun-filled adventure.
  • The true spirit of conversation consists of building on another person's observation, not overturning it.
  • There are only two ways of telling the complete truth--anonymously and posthumously.
  • Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way.
  • No body is exempt from saying silly things; the mischief is to say them deliberately.
  • I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed.
  • People seem to enjoy things more when they know a lot of other people have been left out of the pleasure.
  • Most people would rather be certain they're miserable than risk being happy.
  • Jealousy is the fear or apprehension of superiority: envy our uneasiness under it.
  • Don't worry about people stealing the idea.If it's original you'll have to ram them down their throats.
  • Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.
  • Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
  • The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
I like quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Friendship between Man and Woman

The friendship between a man and a woman which does not lead to marriage or desire for marriage may be a life long experience of the greatest value to themselves and to all their circle of acquaintance and of activity; but for this type of friendship both a rare man and a rare woman are needed. Perhaps it should be added that either the man or the woman thus deeply bound in lifelong friendship who seeks marriage must find a still rarer man or woman to wed, to make such a three cornered comradeship a permanent success.

Thanks to one of my college mates for sharing the above lines

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I met a journalist and asked the reason one takes journalism as profession. The reply was :

Journalists (read honest / real journalists) join the profession only for PASSION.
"Journalism mein na paisa hai na izzat , bas ek junoon hai."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just A Thought

U have planned everything for something, all things in place. Then, u come to knw that all ur planning will go in vain. u feel discomfort but ur heart and mind is still inclined towards ur plan. Somehow, the things get right all the way and u are xtremely happy. Life is unpredictable.. xperience every moment.