Friday, October 19, 2012

Emotional Intimacy - Some Thoughts

What is your feeling when you are being criticized or being laughed at by someone you know very well?

Why do you feel immensely happy when you speak to your best friends even after years ?

Why do you become emotional (even cry) when somebody close praises you or shows how important you are to them ?

Why do you share your secrets with only a few people?

The answer to these questions is Emotional Intimacy.

This is how Wikipedia defines Emotional Intimacy: It is an aspect of interpersonal relationships that varies in intensity from one relationship to another and varies from one time to another.It can be expressed in verbal and non-verbal communication. The degree of comfort, effectiveness and mutual experience of closeness might indicate emotional intimacy between individuals. Intimate communication is both expressed (e.g. talking) and implied (e.g. friends sitting close on a park bench in silence).

Emotional intimacy is an age-old concept which is not to be confused with making love with your mate. However, emotional intimacy strengthens love relationships as it it does with any other type of close relationships. It is something, which if lacking, may lead to breaking down of relationships. Intimacy exists between people only when they have independent emotions and can validate each other's feelings.Otherwise, it can be referred to as fusion of personalities.

We discover our inner-selves only when we allow ourselves to experience our emotions fully i.e. when we become honest with ourselves. However, there may be feelings of  pride, anger, fear, frustration, sadness that become obstacles in contemplating oneself.

Emotional intimacy is needed for the feelings of support and trust to develop and continue.You are emotionally connected to a person when you can become vulnerable (read feel trusted) in his/her company.
We usually fail to express ourselves to the persons who are most important in our lives or whose opinion is what matters to us.We miss the ability to say what we want emotionally from our loved ones. On the other hand, small acts of affection are the best way of building and repairing emotional bonds.

If we are able to laugh at ourselves, we find our real-self and then we can learn anything and live anywhere in the world.

Feel the happiness when you discover yourself and practice emotional intimacy in relationships.

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